Church Session
Rev. Debra McGlathery-Holden, Moderator
Elder Larry Gopher, Stated Clerk
Elder Barbara Haley, Engrossing Clerk
Elder Ronald Burks
Elder Roosevelt Fletcher
Elder Stephanie Gilkes
Elder Syleria Jarmon
Elder Walter Jones
Elder Margaret Lolo
Elder Vanessa Midgett
Elder Calvin Miller
Elder Corky Turner
Elder John Turner

Church Diaconate
Deacon Janice Bowens
Deacon Carl Elliott
Deacon Rodrick Ewing
Deacon Karen Fields
Deacon Herschel Holden
Deacon Jasper Howell Sr.
Deacon Johnny Jasper
Deacon Jessie Leamon
Deacon Moses Leamon
Deacon Tommy Mitchell, Jr.
Deacon Cheri Parks
Deacon Jimmy Parks
Deacon Jeffery Robinson
Deacon Mary Turner
Associate Ministers
Reverend Debra McGlathery-Holden
Reverend Dorothy Fletcher
Reverend Annie Humphrey
Reverend Woodrow Leonard
Sister Karen Springer
Church Staff
Fonda Turner………………………..Receptionist
Jimmy Parks……………………..Facility Manager
Michael Knotts…………..Director of Music Ministry
Hattie Strong ……………..Pianist
Deborah Gurley……………..Pianist
Wallace Houston……………Custodian
Mother’s Auxiliary
Christian Education Committee
Missionary Society
Men’s Fellowship
Gospel Choir
Brotherhood Choir
Praise Choir
Kitchen Committee
Planning/Program Committee
Audio/Visual Ministry
Mission and Evangelism
Van Ministry
Senior Usher Board
Usher Board #2
Security Committee
Finance Committee
Website Ministry
Youth Ministries: Youth Choir; CPYF